We’ve all seen the illustration—a knuckle-dragging ape follows a hunchbacked hairy man-ape who follows a more erect, but still very hairy, man-ape, who eventually follows modern man, dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase to his meeting. This apes-to-man illustration is popularly used to show people the supposed evolutionary transition from ape-like to modern man. But is this “march of progress” accurate, even by evolutionary standards?
Well, according to a recent article, this is one of the misconceptions many people have of evolutionary biology (and a reason creationists should not use the argument, “if humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes?”). It assumes that everything else (including all the extinct creatures) is less evolved than man and that man is the evolutionary pinnacle. But, according to the article,
People must unlearn this idea that biological diversity is an ascending ladder of complexity, with humans on top and nonhuman species as imperfect transitions and lesser beings.
The article goes on to argue that all of life is very well suited for what it does—and many creatures do incredible things humans can only dream of, including even so-called “simple” bacteria:
Consider that bacteria do countless things humans cannot, including orienting by magnetic fields, encysting to survive hundreds of years in “suspended animation,” and incorporating stray bits of DNA lying around their environment. Many bacteria make their own food by chemosynthesis or photosynthesis. Others glow in the dark, survive in anoxic muck or boiling water, or pick up metal particles to shield themselves from toxic and radioactive environments . . .
No one doubts human beings are special—indeed unique. After all, people are (to our knowledge) the only ones pondering evolution, not to mention creating symphonies and skyscrapers. Still, that is not saying much: All species are unique, or else they would not be distinct species in their own right. Each species can do things humans only dream of, whether flying or diving deep under the sea.
Truly, who is to say that butterflies or dolphins are not “more evolved” than us?
Creation doesn’t look (even in the fossil record!) like a jumble of less-evolved creatures and more evolved creatures.
Well, this idea that all of life is highly complex, intricate, and adapted for very specific environments sounds like something I teach children all the time: “it’s designed to do what it does do, what it does do, it does do well.” Creation doesn’t look (even in the fossil record!) like a jumble of less-evolved creatures and more evolved creatures. Earth is filled with an astonishing variety of creatures that are all fully formed and functioning and capable of utterly remarkable things. And that’s exactly what we’d expect if life was created by an all-wise God! That’s why Romans 1:20 states if people don’t believe in God, they are without excuse:
“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).
No, humans aren’t some sort of evolutionary pinnacle. We are far more than that! We’re the crown of God’s creation—the only part of everything he’s made that’s fashioned in his very image and given an eternal soul (Genesis 1:27).
Some (like the author of the article) argue that this view causes people to mistreat creation, seeing ourselves as separate from it and maybe even above it. And, yes, people have abused the biblical doctrine of the Imago Dei to abuse creation—but that’s a misuse of the biblical teaching. God instructed us to have dominion over his creation and then highlighted throughout Scripture how much he cares for what he’s made. So those who abuse creation for greedy purposes have no biblical support for their actions (and greed is also a sin!). Remember, God sees even the sparrow when it falls:
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father (Matthew 10:29).
Rather this view should help us understand how valuable human life is and, with that in mind, responsibly use creation for our good and God’s glory.
This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Rob Webb, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Bodie Hodge. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience and broadcast on my Facebook page and the Answers in Genesis Facebook page. We also covered the following topics:
Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on my Facebook page or the Answers in Genesis Facebook page for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
A new study quantifying sulfur emissions from plankton found these emissions contribute to climate change much more than previously thought.
Several years ago, a silver amulet was discovered buried in a grave in what is now Frankfurt, Germany. Scientists are finally able to read the fragile silver foil inside it.
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